It may seem like an easy task to apply stain but getting the application right the first time is essential. If you just casually apply some stain with a standard roller or brush, you may not get the results you desire. In addition, staining can be a messy endeavor without the right tools on hand. For this reason, many professionals utilize a lambswool stain applicator. At Pro Roller, we offer exceptional lambswool applicator products to help you produce outstanding results.

Below are some reasons to consider using the lambskin products we offer.

Lambskin Stain Applicator

A lambskin stain applicator possesses an excellent fiber structure that is both durable and soft at the same time. The whole derived from young sheep consists of fine fibers that are highly absorbent and also flexible. Lambswool is also a hypoallergenic material that will not irritate the allergies of the user.

The lambswool stain applicator products we offer feature wool taken from Merino sheep. This wool has characteristics that are more flexible and softer than those found in standard lambswool products.

Benefits of a Lambswool Stain Applicator

The types of products that may be used with the exceptional quality lambswool applicator we offer include: varnish, stains, absorbency, floor waxes, and urethane finishes.

The absorbency of lambskin applicators is so exceptional that it is not necessary to repeatedly dip them in stain in order to achieve effective application. Your staining job will take minimal time and effort and achieve smooth results through the use of one of the high lambswool applicators we offer.

You may have problems with dripping or running using a standard roller or other type of applicator. However, the lambswool stain applicator, with its exceptional absorbency properties, can help you apply stain in a drip-free manner.

At Pro Roller Company, Inc., almost all of our products are made in the United States utilizing domestic materials. We are your premier source for lambswool applicators and paint rollers. If you have any questions about our products or want to place an order, call us today at 833.491.4744 or send us a message through our contact form. Also, please take a moment to visit our website for more information about our products.